Thursday 19 December 2013

Lee Chanakira Offers Advice on Finding the Right Exercise Program

Lee Chanakira is an exercise enthusiast and expert who is always encouraging people to find the right exercise program to fit their lifestyle. Here, Lee Chanakira offers several pieces of advice on finding the right exercise program to fit in with your schedule, your current health conditions, and your fitness goals.

Lee Chanakira

Talk to Your Doctor

Lee Chanakira's first piece of advice when beginning a fitness program is to speak with your doctor to see if he or she can offer any physical restrictions that should be put on your exercise program. Once you have clearance from your doctor, you can move on to finding the right exercise program to fit your schedule and achieve your fitness goals.
Setting Goals

It is important to set your fitness goals before you begin an exercise program. Lee Chanakira suggests keeping an exercise journal with a list of your fitness goals clearly on the front page. Whether your goals are to run a marathon or to simply drop a few pounds, writing them down will remind you of where you want to be.

Finding the Program

When it comes to finding the right exercise program to fit your life, Lee Chanakira suggests that you go with exercises that you have always enjoyed. You are more likely to stick with an exercise program if you are doing something that you enjoy.

Once you have gotten clearance from your doctor, set your fitness goals, and found the right program for you, Lee Chanakira knows the most important part of an exercise program is to stick with it. Find a good support system and encouraging people like Lee Chanakira will help you reach your fitness goals.

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