Wednesday 12 March 2014

Lee Chanakira’s Tips for Avoiding Workout Injuries

Like many people conscious about their physical health and appearance, Lee Chanakira is committed to staying physically fit. Many refer to him an exercise enthusiast and he often sets goals for himself and for others. Lee Chanakira helps others as a personal trainer and knows finding the right exercise program is an important component to success. Sticking with a program that works is important. Equally important, however, is remaining safety conscious during exercise.

Lee Chanakira knows physical goals will only be reached through hard work and dedication. But avoiding injury is important for people who aim to stick to their fitness goals. When it comes to avoiding injury, Lee Chanakira has these tips:

·         Know your limits: When working to strengthen a natural weakness, it is important to slowly build strength and not push to the point where an injury occurs. An example would be someone with a knee problem putting too much strain on the weakened joint.
·         Warm up: It is important to warm up before a workout. The chances of getting injured increases if the muscles aren’t prepared to handle the stress of working out.
·         Pace: It is tempting to jump to heavier weights or higher tension to drive results. However, Lee Chanakira suggests people start off with lower weights and work their way up, particularly if someone is new to an exercise routine. Overestimating abilities can lead to injury.
·         Avoid too much repetition: It is sometimes easy to get caught up in an exercise you enjoy, but Lee Chanakira knows this can also lead to injury. Performing the same exercise too often can lead to overuse of muscles or injury from repetitive movements.

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